Saturday, July 31, 2010

Review "City of Ghosts"

Title: City of Ghosts
Author: Stacia Kane
Published: July 27th 2010 by Del Rey
Genre: Dark Urban Fantasy


Chess Putnam has a lot on her plate. Mangled human corpses have started to show up on the streets of Dow...more IT’S A THIN LINE BETWEEN ALIVE AND UNDEAD.

Chess Putnam has a lot on her plate. Mangled human corpses have started to show up on the streets of Downside, and Chess’s bosses at the Church of Real Truth have ordered her to team up with the ultra-powerful Black Squad agency to crack the grisly case.

Chess is under a binding spell that threatens death if she talks about the investigation, but the city’s most notorious crime boss—and Chess’s drug dealer—gets wind of her new assignment and insists on being kept informed. If that isn’t bad enough, a sinister street vendor appears to have information Chess needs. Only he’s not telling what he knows, or what it all has to do with the vast underground City of Eternity.

Now Chess will have to navigate killer wraiths, First Elders, and a lot of seriously nasty magic—all while coping with some not-so-small issues of her own. And the only man Chess can trust to help her through it all has every reason to want her dead.

*This review might contain spoilers!*

Oh my God. I thought the second book was absolutly and utterly brilliant. That it was the best book yet this year. Well, what can I say, I´m running out of words.
"City of Ghosts" is once again perfection.
I don´t want to give away too much about the story, but it is fast, surprising with unexpected turns and uttely original.
What makes this book so amazing are the characters. Chess grows so much in this book, even though her life is still pretty much you know f**ked up. She realizes hiw how she needs and wants Terrible in her life, but due to the events of the last book, they are not really on good terms. It was heartbreaking to read how hard she tries to fix their relationship and what she´s willing to do to make amends. For once, her drug addiction takes a little bit of a backseat in the story. Which is completly understandable, because so much happens in the book.
Terrible´s character experiences an equal growth. It is unsettling to see just how insecure and vulnerable he is underneath his brutal and aggressiv demeanor. At some times during the book I still wanted to slap him, because he was that cold and just plain cruel to Chess. Still you can´t be really mad because what happened him must have been upsetting to say the least. But how everything works out in this book doesn´t leave anything to be desired! :)
Well, maybe not for fans of Lex. There´s a little less Lex in this book, but he stillgets his moment to shine and surprise you at the very end of the book.

Favorite scene:
Oh boy, where do I start? Definetly the scene with Chess and Terrible in the tunnels. And the one in Chuck´s. :) Both very... hot! :) I also loved how Terrible and Lex worked together to find Chess and her simple yet so meaningful and moving confession later in the book when she is aked who they were: "They´re my friends." (Even though I also kind of liked "My drug dealer´s enforcer and his rival who I used to fuck.") And the end. Oh yes the end. Sometimes the simplest words are the most beautiful and moving. All in all there are simply too many good scenes in the book. I could enlist the whole book just as well.

I don´t know what to write without sounding like a broken record. "City of Ghosts" is brilliant, heart-wretching, compelling with some of the best characters ever created. For me, "City of Ghosts" and the whole Downside series set the standarts for all Urban Fantasy books yet to come.
I´m addicted to these books. Seriously. I don´t know how I´m going to endure until fall 2011 when the next book is released.
I guess I´ll have to re-read them again. And again. And again. You get the picture.

My verdict: read it read it read it! 5 Points. Without a moment of hesitation!

By the way, look what I´ve found! Watching it is really fun and interesting!

Friday, July 30, 2010

New Teaser for Shadowfever

Karen Marie Moning has just released another tiny snippet from her next book, Shadowfever, which is due January 2011.

“You killed my sister!” The dark lake in my head begins to boil. I hear rustles behind me, leathery wet sounds and I whirl. The freaks that killed my sister are taking advantage of the distraction and trying to leave.

Not a chance in hell. This is what I’ve been living for. This moment. My revenge. First the ones that killed her. Then the one who delivered her to them.

I lunge for them, screaming my sister’s name.

I slice and rip and tear.

I begin with my spear and end with my bare hands.

I fall on them like the beast-form of Barrons. My sister died in an alley with these monsters working on her and now I know it wasn’t fast. I can see her, white-lipped with pain, knowing she’s going to die, scratching a clue into the pavement. Hoping I’ll come, afraid I’ll come. Believing I could succeed where she failed. God, I miss her! Hatred consumes me. I devolve into vengeance, I embrace it, I become it.

When I finish there are no pieces larger than my fist.

I’m shaking, gasping, covered with bits of flesh and gray matter from smashing their skulls.

I double over and hit the pavement, puking. I puke until I dry-heave then I dry-heave until my ears ring and my eyes are stinging.

I don’t have to look behind me to know the street is empty. My sister’s murderer is gone.

I finally got what I came to Dublin for.

I know who killed my sister.

I curl in a tight ball on the cold pavement and cry.

Wow. Looks like it´s going to be one hell of a ride!

Friday Blog Hop

Yes, it´s Friday again! Time for a little hopping!

To join the fun and make now book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:

1. Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host { } and any one else you want to follow on the list
2. Follow our Featured Bloggers -
3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing.
4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
5. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can
6. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers
7. If you want to show the link list, just follow the link below the entries and copy and paste it within your post!

Happy Follow Friday!

Another blog hop is hosted by Crazy for Books.
RULES: (in hopes of simplifying things for everyone!)

1. Enter your book blog link in the Linky List below (be sure to include how long you've been blogging and what genres you review!). If you post about the Hop on your blog, please link directly to your Hop post (don't forget to answer this week's question - see below!).

2. Visit other blogs in the Linky List! Make new friends! Follow new book bloggers! Talk about books! Rave about authors! (Please do not leave your link and not visit other blogs - it's just not cool and not in the spirit of the Hop!)

3. Post about the Hop on your blog! Spread the word about the book party! The more the merrier!

4. In your blog post, answer the following question (new question each week!):

Who is your favorite new-to-you author so far this year?

Oh, that is a tough one... There are som many great new authors I´ve found this year, but I guess I´ll stick to my obsession I´be developed over the last few moths:
favorite new author of this year is definetly Stacia Kane. I haven´t read her other books yet, but the Downside series is just amazing. I spent the better part of last night reading and finishing City of Ghosts and I fear I´m an addict now as well. Addicted to Chess, Terrible and Downside. :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

When I´m not reading...

When I´m not reading is a weekly meme hosted by Missie @ The Unread Reader.

Tomorrow is finally the last day of this semester for me. as I already said, these last two weeks were really really tough for me and I really feel kind of bad because I had to neglect my blog a little bit. But after tomorrow or maybe this weekend (the end of the semester has to be celebrated, right?) I´ll be having enough time for blogging again.

Remeber thoses waps I talked about last week? They´re gone! Yay! Nothing stands beside me and my terrace anymore.

Today I want to show you one of my pets, actually, my favorite among them if I had to chose.

That is Bruno, one of my cats. I got hom when he was still a little kitten. We found him on a really cold October day when we were taking our dog for a walk. Someone must have abandoned his mother when she was pregnant and she must have found shelter in a barn of the farms in our neighbourhood. Their were three other kitten in the litter along with Bruno and they looked really bad. They were dirty and sick and their mother was obviously too thin. As a baby he was one grey white furball with huge eyes and huge ears and he was just so cute we had to help them. So at first we just fed them, the mother with real food for cats and the baboes with extra milk. They wouldn´t let us near them because they just weren´t used to people. One day my father would come home from walking the dog totally devastated and told us that a car must have run over the mother of the kittens. He found her dead at the curb next to the barn. Now we knew we really had to hrry because the kittens were too young for solid food and without their mother, they hardly left the barn to eat the milk we brought them. With a lot of patience we finally caught one of the four kittens and took them home. The next day, we found another kitten dead and we were so sad. It took us a week to catch the next kitten, again not Bruno, but one with short hair. She also got to stay with us. When we came back the next day for Bruno, he was gone. The food we left for him was untouched and we couldn´t find him anymore. All of us feared the worst, but we couldn´t find his body. It was December when we finally found him again: he had found another barn to hide and somehow survived all the time. Once again we started feeding him. It was on December 24th when we were finally able to catch him. His brother, the first cat we caught had already conquered the heart of my mother, as did his sister with the hearts of my grandparents. But Bruno was the one we fought hardest to save. He was wild and wouldn´t let us touch him for a long time. But once he got used to it, well what can I say...
Look at the picture. He´s 6 years now, very content and slowly growing a little fat and enjoys his life at our house together with his brother and our third cat. :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Teaser Tuesday

This weekly book blog meme is hosted by MizB at Should be Reading.

Here are the rules:
- Grab your current read
- Open to a random page
- Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
- BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (Make sure that what you share doesn't give too much away. You don’t want to ruin the book for others.)
- Share the title & author too, so that other Teaser Tuesday participants can add the book to their TBR lists if they like your teasers.

"My boyfriend drives a dump truck. I know- it´s not the most glamorous job in the world, but one does crave some measures of predectability when life spins widly out of control- like when a car hits a patch of black ice or worse, when everything you´ve ever known or loved simply vanishes."

p. 1

Monday, July 26, 2010

Review "Tracking the Tempest"

Title: Tracking the Tempest (Jane True, #2)
Author: Nicole Peeler
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Published: July 1st 2010 by Orbit

Valentine's Day is fast approaching, and Ryu - Jane's bloodsucking boyfriend - can't let a major holiday go by without getting all gratuitous. An overwhelming dose of boyfriend interference and a last-minute ticket to Boston later, and Jane's life is thrown off course.

Ryu's well-intentioned plans create mayhem, and Jane winds up embroiled in an investigation involving a spree of gruesome killings. All the evidence points towards another Halfling, much to Jane's surprise...


A few words about the cover first: I LOVE it. Honestly. It´s cute and adorable and original. After you´ve read the book, you once again notice that it´s not random but there are many details depicted that you can also find in the book.

If you´ve read the previous book in the series, you´ll know the Nicole Peeler has put together an incredibly original and funny cast of supernatural creatures you don´t find very often out the in the Urban Fantasy genre.
The story continues only a short while after the events of the last book. Jane is now training her new powers and tries hard to make her relationship woth Ryu work.
As a Valentine´s gift, he sends her a plane ticket so that she can visit him in Boston.
Their relatioship is definetly changing in this book. They still have great sex and they seem really close, but there are the first problems as well. Janes tries to come to terms with the implications of him being a vampire, while Ryu tries his best to convince Jane to stay with him in Boston permanently.
I really thought he was sweet at the very beginning, but throughout the book, he becomes somewhat patronizing. It seemed like he dind´t take Jane serious, even though she was the one helping him most with his case.
Jane is in this book once again great. The inner dialogs between her libido and her reason are always hilarious. I really appreciate that she is afraid, yet she still tries to overcome her fear and act against it. She´s witty, snarky and full of surprises.
The rest of the characters is almost unrivaled. We meet Ryu´s co-workers, including a mother-son vampire duo, a djinn and a satyr; the new bad guy of the book, an ifrit and a very fnny new creature called Brownie (I so want to see more of them and their mysterious connection to Anyan in the next book!). Plus, together with Jane he is just awesome. Hands down.
We also meet some of the charaters we´ve got to know and grwon to love in the first book; Tracey, Grizzie and Iriy the ever horny succubus. And we finally get to see Nell´s real power. o.O
Nicole Peeler succeeds in giving each race and creature her/his very own voice and oddities to create a rich and tightly woven mythology for her book.
Anyan Barghest however remains a mystery, even though we get a few glimpses of his past.
The story is entertaining, amusing and also violent at times, but not as unpredictable as other books I´ve read. I had a huch of who the bad guy(s) really are quite soon. Still the end surprised me. It is an open ending without a major cliffhanger, but enough questions remain unanswred to guarantee for a gread read in the next book.
Favorite Scenes: One of those I enjoyed most was definetly when Grizzie took Jane to her hair stylist. Not only is Grizzies secret revealed, I also almost thought it was me stitting there instead of Jane (I´m very protective of my hair and I don´t trust any stylists at all. Too many bad memories.) Anyan and Jane´s cooking scene also made me chickle really hard. In the end, when a drunk Jane is being brought home by Iris, Nicole Peeler shares a very insightful view of how relationships should or should not work.

So let me sum "Tracking the Tempest" up for you:

one of a kind worldbuilding with some of the most surprising creatures ever - check
a cast of interesting and memorable secondary charaters - check
hot sex - check *grins*
love triangle potential - check
explosive and high adrenaline action - check
absorbing and tightly written story - check

Jup, Tracking the Tempest has all the necessary ingredients for a stay-up-all-night or read-it-in-one-day book!

4.5 out of 5 points from me (I think I´m on a roll here. I seriously haven´t read a book I didn´t like at all in the last four weeks, there were so many great new books in June/July. I hope this trend continues!).

The only bad news I´ve got for you is that the next book in the series, Tempest´s Legacy is coming out in February 2011.
Until then, check out Nicole Peeler´s funny hompage
where I´ve read not too long ago that we can look forward to at least 3 more books after Tempest´s Legacy!

My Mailbox

Look what I got: :) :)

Evangeline Stone, a rogue bounty hunter, never asked for a world divided between darkness and light…

…or the power to die and live again in someone else's borrowed body. After a murder plot meant to take her out leaves an entire race of shapeshifters nearly extinct, Evy is gnawed by guilt. So when one of the few survivors of the slaughter enlists her aid, she feels duty-bound to help—even though protecting a frail, pregnant shifter is the last thing Evy needs, especially with the world going to hell around her.

Amid weres, Halfies, gremlins, vamps—and increasingly outgunned humans—a war for supremacy is brewing. With shifters demanding justice, her superiors desperate to control her, and an assassin on her trail, Evy discovers a horrifying conspiracy. And she may be the only person in the world who can stop it—unless, of course, her own side gets her first.

Could you survive on your own, in the wild, with every one out to make sure you don't live to see the morning?

In the ruins of a place once...more Could you survive on your own, in the wild, with every one out to make sure you don't live to see the morning?

In the ruins of a place once known as North America lies the nation of Panem, a shining Capitol surrounded by twelve outlying districts. The Capitol is harsh and cruel and keeps the districts in line by forcing them all to send one boy and one girl between the ages of twelve and eighteen to participate in the annual Hunger Games, a fight to the death on live TV.

Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives alone with her mother and younger sister, regards it as a death sentence when she steps forward to take her sister's place in the Games. But Katniss has been close to dead before—and survival, for her, is second nature. Without really meaning to, she becomes a contender. But if she is to win, she will have to start making choices that will weigh survival against humanity and life against love.

..and last but most definetly not least ( I´m still hyperventilating!)


Chess Putnam has a lot on her plate. Mangled human corpses have started to show up on the streets of Downside, and Chess’s bosses at the Church of Real Truth have ordered her to team up with the ultra-powerful Black Squad agency to crack the grisly case.

Chess is under a binding spell that threatens death if she talks about the investigation, but the city’s most notorious crime boss—and Chess’s drug dealer—gets wind of her new assignment and insists on being kept informed. If that isn’t bad enough, a sinister street vendor appears to have information Chess needs. Only he’s not telling what he knows, or what it all has to do with the vast underground City of Eternity.

Now Chess will have to navigate killer wraiths, First Elders, and a lot of seriously nasty magic—all while coping with some not-so-small issues of her own. And the only man Chess can trust to help her through it all has every reason to want her dead.

This is possibly one of the most awesome mailboxes ever. I´m so glad that this week my semester ends and I fanally have more time to read! But how do you decide with so many fantastic books to chose from?

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Interview: Sean Cummings

Hey guys!

I hope you´re all having a great weekend so far! I´m very glad to welcome yet another awesome author today for a Q&A, Sean Cummings, author of SHADE FRIGHT and FUNERAL PALLOR. Just like with so many books I really really want to read, Amazon yet again tests my patience and takes a lot of time to deliver it.
Now, without further ado, please welcome Sean Cummings!

As I´ve already told you, I´m eagerly waiting for my copy of Shade Fright to arrive. Can you tell me in your own words what it´s about?

SHADE FRIGHT introduces the reader to Valerie Stevens, a thirty-something apprentice mage who works for the Canadian government in a benign sounding ministry called "Government Services and Infrastructure Canada". She's mentored by a 2000 year old dwarf troll mage, her best friend is a zombie and her boyfriend Dave drives a dumptruck. When a grain bin goes missing, Val is drawn into a mystery where organic matter all over town is starting to die, birds are falling out of the sky and all hell is going to break loose in Nose Hill Park where a seriously bad dude is intent on killing everyone in town with a dark spell to summon the Prince of Darkness. Val has to stop this from happening and she's introduced to a world where a shadowy organization known as the Conclave uses dark magic and any number of evil deeds to further everything from global terrorism to assassination. Val's spirit guide is the always annoying and very entertaining ghost of former Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King. With his help and that of her allies, she's going to put the beat down on a dark mage with a hate-on for Calgary Canada.

Is there anything you can say about Funeral Pallor without too many spoilers?

We catch up with Val a year after SHADE FRIGHT. The book opens with Valerie and Fifty Dollar Bill discovering a huge nest of zombies. After nearly being overrun by the creatures, she's rescued by a pair of middle aged head bangers who kill zombies for sport and she's drawn into a mystery where someone has been stealing bodies from local funeral homes, a plot to turn people into the monsters using a 5000 year old spell. Meantime her best friend Caroline the zombie is having blackouts and Val's employer is under the mistaken belief that Caroline is the source of zombie activity. They've dispatched a bounty hunter named Tim Reaper (who is a BLAST to write) and the book culminates with a crescendo of heavy metal music, blazing guns and a small army of the monsters.

Your cast of characters in Shade Fright is quite extraordinary. How did you come up with them?

Fifty Dollar Bill is a great character and he's based on former Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King. King was a closet occultist who liked to commune with the dearly departed so it was kind of cool to have his spirit refusing to cross over because now, after death, he prefers the company of the living. Caroline the zombie is just a wise cracking character but she's central to the series and there's a pretty huge hint in FUNERAL PALLOR as to what's going to happen to her in future books. Val's boyfriend Dave is "everyman". I wanted her love interest to be a steadfast nice guy who supports her one hundred percent. He's a great character and will be featured prominently in book three. D.T., Val's mentor is inspired by Yoda (who else).

Your book has a different cover that your usual half naked, tattooed and leather clad hero/heroine wielding a glowing weapon of some sorts. Did you have any influence on it? Can you share the name of the cover artist?

Anna Torborg is my cover artist and from the outset, we wanted to have a cover that was so glaringly different that most other urban fantasies with a strong female protagonist. We were inspired by some of Jasper FForde's covers and I think Anna did a fantastic job. SHADE FRIGHT was all her idea and for FUNERAL PALLOR, well, it was my idea to do an homage to the Queen II album cover because headbangers and rock and roll are featured throughout the book.

Which is your favourite character in the books?

Fifty Dollar Bill - hand's down. He's a fantastic character, he's wildly eccentric and he's the key to why there's a new arms race in the world where the weapon of choice is magic. Tim Reaper is another great character I love to write and I'm working on his book right now.

Urban Fantasy is a genre that is mostly dominated by female authors. Are guys too cool to write it? :)

Far from it. Yes the genre is dominated by women but that's because there's some fantastic female authors with equally fantastic world building going on. Nancy Holzner, is a friend and a great writer. Her book Deadtown kicks ass all over the place. Three Days to Dead by Kelly Meding is a FAN BLOODY TASTIC book ... there's a lot of great female authors. That said, Jim Butcher is my personal favorite. I mean, what's NOT to like about Harry Dresden? Changes ... best urban fantasy I've ever read. Period. Simon R. Green is another favorite of mine, too.

I think that if you've got a great story, people are gonna read it regardless of your gender. It just so happens that women do make up the lion's share of urban fantasy authors and of them, a great many rely heavily on romance (something I suck at writing.)

Why did you write an Urban Fantasy book? Or did your story just happen to be Urban Fantasy?

I've been reading it for years. It's my favorite genre and I set out to write a uniquely Canadian urban fantasy series with a kick ass heroine.

Would you say that your love for comic books affects your writing? If so, how?

Comic books are the starting point for me. From way back in the late 70's when I was reading Marvel's Dracula and Werewolf By Night, I just became tuned into how these monsters who should be hounded by peasants with pitchforks were blending into a modern world. Comics inspired me because as I write, I think of my story as a comic book. How would the panels be laid out. How does the action fit in. Does it have a nice flow to it?

One of your current writing projects is Tim Reaper as in THE Reaper. Now I´m curious. Is it Urban Fantasy? YA? or something else entirely?

Tim Reaper is urban fantasy but with a twist. Instead of duking it out with vamps and shape shifters, Tim Reaper is the only supernatural character and he's got a big time hate on for serial killers. (That's all I'm saying for now...)

Where do you get your inspiration from? Music, books, TV shows or real life?

A curious mixture of all. Comics figure prominently. Fan fiction is a biggie. Smart TV like the brilliant but canceled THRESHOLD or JOURNEYMAN. All of these have a huge influence on my books.

A question that I am always curious about (but could be kind of personal) is: are your characters based on people you really know or maybe even a little bit about yourself or are they all purely fictional?

I think most authors draw on the familiar. There's a little bit of me in Valerie, but there's a bit of me in Tim Reaper, too. (Actually there's a lot of me in Tim Reaper...) I draw more on the relationships I share with friends in the present. I think about people I've known from my time in the army to way back when I was in high school. My brain is an amalgam of eccentric people and frankly, I'm kind of eccentric myself. That or curmudgeonly...

How did you chose the names of the characters of your book? Do they have a special meaning?

That's a tough question. Valerie Stevens just flew onto my keyboard. Her BF Dave ... well I purposefully called him Dave because the market is flooded with books where the heroine's love interest is "Steel" or "Ash" or "Kabel" or some such name that nobody in the real world has for a love interest. Everyone knows a Dave. As for the rest, I resorted in some cases to baby naming websites for ideas. :)

What do you like most about being an author? And what annoys you?

What I like most is that people are actually freaking reading my stuff. That is MIND BLOWING, frankly. I've been writing for more than twenty years with a goal to be published. Now in my early forties it's happened and it's a huge thing for me. I want to become a better author and write stories that are going to stick with people. I want people to relate to my characters. What annoys me are revisions. Ugh... painful but necessary revisions.

Did you ever have a writer´s block? If so, what did you do to deal with it?

I have on occasion, but it's usually due to physical factors like fatigue. If I'm dead dog tired, I have less than no creative energy. That said, when I come up with a cool story idea it inspires me and I just want to write my butt off.

Tell us something about your favourites:

Favourite authors?
Jim Butcher. Simon R. Green. Kelly Meding. Nancy Holzner. Catherine MacKenzie.
favourite paranormal creature?
Zombies. Always zombies.
favourite all time hero/heroine?
Batman - hands down. For heroine it has to be Anita Blake before Obsidian Butterfly. After that, not so much.
favourite all time villain?
Darth Vader followed closely by Magneto
favourite distraction?
Which one do you prefer, book or e-reader?
Sony PRS 505. I love the damned thing

Is there a book you love above all? One that had a great influence on you or your life?

Ten Lost Years by Barry Broadfoot. It's about the Great Depression on the Canadian prairie and it is a fantastic book.

Was being an author something you´ve always wanted or did it just

I've been writing since I was a kid. I wanted to become and author and I'm grateful for the opportunities my first two books have given me. I have big plans and I hope to continue to become a better writer with a growing fan base.

Is there any question you always wanted to be asked? And if so, what would be the answer?

I can't really think of one. :(

A question that is inspired by another interview I did with an author and seems to really fit in the context: If you would be Superman, what would be your kryptonite?

Ex wives. (jk) I imagine it would be inconsistent sleep habits. I am an insomniac and it's a nightly battle to get a decent amount of sleep.

What are you reading at the moment/planning to read/waiting for to be released?
I'm reading World War Z by Max Brooks. I'm dying to see what happens in the next Harry Dresden book and I'm patiently waiting for Nancy Holzner's second book to come out.

And finally: Is there anything you want to say to your/my readers?

Thanks for reading. I hope you get a kick out of the Valerie Stevens series. Write me!!!

Thank you so much for for stopping by my blog and answer all of my questions. I´m

Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday Blog Hop

Yes, it´s Friday again! Time for a little hopping!

To join the fun and make now book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:

1. Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host { } and any one else you want to follow on the list
2. Follow our Featured Bloggers - Vamp Angel's Reviews
3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing.
4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
5. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can
6. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers
7. If you want to show the link list, just follow the link below the entries and copy and paste it within your post!

Happy Follow Friday!

Another blog hop is hosted by Crazy for Books.
RULES: (in hopes of simplifying things for everyone!)

1. Enter your book blog link in the Linky List below (be sure to include how long you've been blogging and what genres you review!). If you post about the Hop on your blog, please link directly to your Hop post (don't forget to answer this week's question - see below!).

2. Visit other blogs in the Linky List! Make new friends! Follow new book bloggers! Talk about books! Rave about authors! (Please do not leave your link and not visit other blogs - it's just not cool and not in the spirit of the Hop!)

3. Post about the Hop on your blog! Spread the word about the book party! The more the merrier!

4. In your blog post, answer the following question (new question each week!):

Yesterday evening, I started reading Tracking the Tempest, book 2 in the Jane True series. I started reading late, but I went to bed even later because I just couldn´t stop reading. It was quite funny, because while I was reading, there was a really heavy thunder storm/tempest outside. :)
I love Jane and her snarky comments, her funny inner dialogs and the whole world Nicole Peeler has created. I´m even more happy now that I´ve read on Nicole´s blog that she has signed a contract for books 4, 5 and 6 in the series!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Review "Blood Song"

Title: Blood Song, (Bloodsinger, #1)
Author: Cat Adams
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Published: June 8th 2010 by Tor Books

Bodyguard Celia Graves plies her trade in a world where vampires roam the alleys of Tinseltown and movie stars openly practice witchcraft., where stre...more Bodyguard Celia Graves plies her trade in a world where vampires roam the alleys of Tinseltown and movie stars openly practice witchcraft., where streetcorner psychics have real powers and cops use memory enhancement spells on witnesses. Though she’s an ordinary human, Celia uses street smarts and charmed weapons to protect the rich and famous from mortal and supernatural threats.

She’s landed a plum job, protecting the Prince of a small but politically vital nation while he tours Los Angeles’s least savory hot spots. What should be a routine assignment goes badly wrong. Attacked by a master vampire, Celia knows she is about to die.

She’s startled to awaken on a cold metal table in a university lab. Celia Graves has become an Abomination, neither fully mortal nor fully vampire. Her “master” is hunting her, to destroy her or finish what his bite began. She’s accused of murder and the cops aren’t sure whether she should be locked up or staked. And then there’s the demon she glimpsed during the vampire attack . . . .
Struggling to cope with her new powers and trying not to terrify everyone she meets with a flash of fang, Celia reaches out for help from her once (and future?) lover, who is a powerful mage; his warrior-priest brother; a handsome werewolf who keeps his lupine nature concealed from the world; an elderly clairvoyant, and one trustworthy cop.

Celia Graves has three days to save the world, her sanity, and her soul.

When I first saw the cover, I was really intrigued. It rather dark but still capitivating, so you can say the cover literally sold the book for me. I was even more surprised that it was not lightly chosen. In one scene during the book, Celia, the heroine looks into the mirror and then describes her "new" self after becoming an abomination and it´s pretty much the model on the cover. The tone of the skin, the color of the eyes, the hair, everything looks just like Cat Adams describes Celia. I really like it when covers are chosen and created with such care!

But the cover is not the only thing about this book that I liked. When I first read the blurb, I was somehow reminded of Three Days to Dead, where the heroine also wakes up and has only three days to solve her own murder. I was afraid that the story would be oo much alike, but thank god I was wrong.

Blood Song depictures a world where clairvoyants, werewolves, vampires and demons are known to the common people. Known, but not necessarily liked. Quite the contrary, being a vampire practically equals a death sentence. Even the nickname for them, "bats" has a deprecatory sound to it. In this world, Celia, an ordinary vanilla human (a human with no supernatural powers), as she refers to herself- tries to make a living as bodyguard. It´s a job that allows her a fairly decent living. Still, she can´t afford to turn down the offer of the prince of a small (fictional) European country.
But the job goes awfully wrong and Celia ends up an Abomination, half human, half vampire. From the moment she wakes up she has to deal with the reactions of other people to her new self as well as her new cravings and instincts as half-vampire. The turn in this book is definetly not a positiv thing. Even though it has some positiv effects like heightened healing abilities, which Celia watches with an almost morbid fascination, the change is followed by even bigger trouble. Not only does Celia try to find the ones/bats resposible for her turn, she also has to convince the authorities, who are more than willing to lock her up or worse stake her at sight, that she is the actual victim of the attack. What´s more, there are still bats out to finish the job of killing her and a demon who wants her dead.
Only with the help of her friends is Celia able to barely make it from one day to another.
Vicky, her best friend and a powerful clairvoyant; Alex, Vicky´s girlfriend and police officer; Gibson, an honest cop, her exm Bruno, a very powerful mage and his brother, a warrior priest.
Celia is a very believable and down to earth heroine. The story is for a good part about her own struggle to come to terms with her new self as well as how she copes with the way other people react to her. She is always in danger of being mistaken for a bat and because of that being staked on sight. You can tell that it is very hard on her, especially so as she is not free of her own demons. Throughout the book there are hints to a event in the past that has not only changed her profoundly, but also her entire family. Celia is a strong heroine without being too kick-ass, smart but also vulnerable and dangerously weak at times. Even though she really has to deal with a lot in this book, she is never whiny. When she´s sad, she has every right to be so.
If you´re looking for hot and steamy romance and sex in your Urban Fantasy you might be disappointed with Blood Song. There is romantic tension and more than one possible love interest for the next book, but it is still Urban Fantasy, not PNR.
The story is very cleverly planned and written. There are a moments that make you wonder at first, but as your read the book on, all falls into place. The story takes a few turns I hadn´t seen coming, which just shows the the author (or rather authors) really know what they are doing. A huge twist at the end opens a whole new perspective to the book and exciting possibilities for the next book in the series, Siren Song.
Blood Song is a powerful book not only about action (there is a whole lof of action in this book, believe me!). It´s also about finding a way to deal with a situation that turns your life upside down in the worst way imaginable, when everything around you seems to fall apart.

All in all, Blood Song is in my opinion a topnotch Urban Fantasy book with great character and an intricate, well planned and cleverly written story.

Blood Song gets 4 of 5 points from me!

The next book in the series, Siren Song is released in September 2010.

If you want to learn more about the authors, visit their homepage here. Among other things, you can find a first excerpt of Siren Song!

100+ Followers Giveaway!

Ok guys, did you notice? I so very close to 100 followers after such a short while!
To honor you guys, I´ve decided to have a little giveaway!
To enter, you must of course be a follower of this blog. It doesn´t matter though if you are an old follower or a new one! The giveaway is open
starting today and ending on August 21st.

For the prices, I´ve chosen the first book in two of my all time favorite series!
If I reach 111 followers, one winner can choose between either...


If I reach more than 150 followers, TWO winners will be chosen. The first one can decide between Magic Bites and Spider´s Bite, the second one gets the book which is left.

But beware! That´s not all! If I reach 175 or even 200 followers, the THREE winners will be drawn.
The first winner can chose ANY!!! book from book depository under 10$, even books that aren´t yet released.
The second winner gets either Magic Bites or Spider´s Bite, and the third winner the book that´s left!

So, to enter, please leave a comment and fill out this form!

When I´m not reading...

When I´m not reading is a weekly meme hosted by Missie @ The Unread Reader.

Right now, I´m like crazy busy with all my exams and I have to study a lot for them, but there´s no need not to mix business with pleasure, right?
One reason why I love the apartment I share with two friends of mine so much is, that it includes a roof terrace. That´s what it looks like in the evening:

It´s beautiful, right? The sunsets are very spectacular! :) I oftern sit there and read or study, but we also have friends over and have a barbeque. We also spend a considerable amout of money to buy flowers or even grow some of our own. I grew up in a rural area and I was used to spacious gardens and enough green aroud the houses, so it was quite a change for me when I moved to a city when I started going to university. I´m so glad we have that little greenish spot for ourselves now.

So this week, I was grabbing my stuff and I was just about to get comfortable with a glass of soda and a few snacks for ma daily studying session, when I hear a steady alarming and unnerving buzzing sound. It didn´t take me long to find the cause for it. Check this out:

There´s a vasps´ nest in the space where the shutters usually are! o.O

We instantly called the property management and they told us to stay away from the terrace until they´ve sent someone to remove it.
That was like 4 days ago, nobody has come yet and there are even more vasps than before. No one dares to go out anymore, because they are really aggressive.
At first I felt bad when we were told the nest had to be removed, but now I´m kind of glad when someone comes to remove it!

Until then, no sunsets and barbeques for me!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Interview: Emma Michaels

Today, I´m welcoming the debut author of "The Thirteenth Chime", Emma Michaels for an interview on my blog. Before she started writing her own book she was one of us, a succsessful blogger! Now, she´s waiting for her book to be released on August 13th (and it´s a Friday 13th... creepy, right!). Plaese give it up for Emma Michaels!

Can you describe The Thirteenth Chime in your own words?

A) It is the story about the bond between two people who were once romantically involved and yet are now estranged. It is that bond that will protect them from a trap a madman set into motion almost fifty years ago, and to give them a chance against the darkness that is "The Thirteenth Chime".

It´s your very first book ever published, previously, you were a blogger yourself. In very few words: how does it feel?

A) In very few words. AMAZING! Fantastic!
If does sometimes make me feel like the mad hatter with how busy it has made me but I really enjoy it! I just love it and for my blog readers out there, don't worry I won't stop!!!

How do you turn from a blogger to an author? Can you describe how the process was for you?

A) The process was difficult in the beginning because I do not like queries. We write an entire book - how are we supposed to accurately describe and share our books in a page or less? Even so, I feel that the end result worked out. Yet during the time when I was sending queries out to agents, all I would receive is the standard form rejections from people who had not even read a single sentence of my book. I received over a hundred of these from many different versions of query letters and so I began querying publishers directly, hoping that maybe I might have better luck. From that point on, the process was much more complicated and busy but also something I felt a lot better about. I was finally getting great responses! I do think that an agent is a person to have on your side but I am really happy that I took the plunge.

Do the names of the characters have a special meaning? How did you choose them?

A) David was named for a special reason within the book, but I can't share that yet! Destiny's name was not chosen until the book was almost complete. It was my fiance who made a comment about how she seemed to be "David's destiny" that made me realize what her name was meant to be.

The cover of your book is so beautiful! Did you have any influence on it

A) Yes I did! Bokheim was really great in not only hearing my ideas out but in giving me a lot to say in the end. We also lucked out in finding a great artist who matched my ideas perfectly and with a few revisions, the cover ended up being wonderful.

Did you do a lot of research for you book? If so, which kind of research?

A) I actually spent almost two years before I began writing the actual story because it was my first book and I wanted the planning for the series in motion. I interviewed dozens of people and visited various locations around Washington (including the town of Steilacoom). I am very happy with the end result.

Where do you get your inspiration from? Music, books, TV shows or real life?

A) Real life. By that I mean experiences that inspire ideas in my head that I bring forth when I write. Although the events within "The Thirteenth Chime" are fictional, the inspirations for them are real, though they may not have come about in the way you might expect. (i.e. the clock and various other things).

A question that I am always curious about (but could be kind of personal) is: are your characters based on people you really know or are they all purely fictional?

A) Fictional. The only character in the entire book who has any similarities to a living person (and this is very remote) is Stephanie who is slightly similar to me. Even here, the only similarities is that I feel we share the same kind of spirit and I didn't even realize the similarities until reading it in close to its final form!

What do you like most about being an author? And what annoys you?

A) The writing - not only for myself, but for fans. I love getting to getting to answer directly to fans and share my feelings and findings on other books on my blog. What annoys me... When people don't understand why I do what I do. I don't do it for the attention or for publicity or money, authors very rarely ever make enough of a living off of their writing to be able to quit their day job but I do it because there is a story inside of me that I want to share with the world. This is just a part of myself I feel I should give to others because hopefully, they can find some joy in it or an escape from their reality for a short time.

Did you ever have a writer´s block? If so, what did you do to deal with it?

A) I try to be proactive about writer's block. I try to write every day to make sure that I keep writing and to train myself to not have such a setback. I rather think of writing like any other muscle - you have to work and exercise it in order to keep it strong and make it keep growing!

Tell us something about your favourites:
Favourite authors? A) Sharon Shinn and Tamora Pierce
Favourite paranormal creature? A) Unicorn? Dragon maybe. Hard decision.
Favourite all time hero/heroine? A) Alanna the Lioness
Favourite all time villain? A) Okay it's bad of me, but Darken Rahl from "The Sword of Truth Series" aka "Legend of the Seeker".
Which one do you prefer, book or e-reader? A) Actually, I haven't gotten to try out many e-readers. My fiance is really critical when it comes to any kind of digital screen that a person has to stare at for any length of time. Like with the Apple iPad, he is excited to give it a try, but he refuses to get one and use it until the resolution is both over a thousand. And he is right, anything less will wear down your eyes over time if you use it for more than the recommended time of usage. On the other side, e-books are cheaper, allow you to have more while using less space, and the best thing about them is that we can get them faster without being a drain on the environment. The costs saved in making an e-book vs. a print book also allows for more money to be donated to various charities and for other beneficial organizations. So I support e-books fully and I hope my readers will too.
Favourite distraction (from reading/writing)? A) Actually, I love to both read and write, so those are usually both my work and my distractions *laughs* But if I'm not doing that, my next favorite distraction is Yoga, the beach or my Chihuahua. Oh! Or hulu.

Is there a book you love above all? One that had a great influence on you or your life?

A) In YA, yes, Tamora Pierce's "In the Hand of the Goddess". It was the first YA book I ever got to read, it was how I met Tamora Pierce, and it also inspired me to begin writing. Other than in YA, "DaVinci's Journal" - I am fortunate enough to have obtained a copy of his journal and it is amazing to read through and see his work. I think what he did will continue to inspire people many years from now.

Is there any question you always wanted to be asked? And if so, what would be the answer?

A) Yes! The question I have always wanted to be asked is "If you were a super hero, what would be your kryptonite?". I never get that one! I have no idea what mine would be though. Probably chocolate. Only instead of it hurting me it would be more the situation where I am supposed to be fighting evil and am in a confrontation with the villian and saying my heroic monologue and then suddenly stop short and get distracted because of a piece of chocolate.

What are you reading at the moment/planning to read/waiting for to be released?

A) I am waiting for "Torment" to be released and "Beautiful Darkness". I really loved both of the first books in each of the series.

And finally: Is there anything you want to say to your/my readers?

A) Yes, I would like to thank everyone for their wonderful support and encouragement! I am overwhelmed at the great messages I have been sent. I am so grateful and I promise that as long as potential fans want me to keep writing, I will keep writing for as long as you want!

Thank you so much for the interview and to everyone reading!!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Review "Kitty goes to War"

Title: Kitty Goes to War (Kitty Norville, #8)
Author: Carrie Vaughn
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Published: June 29th 2010 by Tor Books (first published June 22nd 2010)

Kitty Norville, werewolf radio call-in show host, gets a call from an old friend at the NIH’s Center for the Study of Paranatural Biology, a friend ...more Kitty Norville, werewolf radio call-in show host, gets a call from an old friend at the NIH’s Center for the Study of Paranatural Biology, a friend with a problem, who doesn’t know where else to turn. Three Army soldiers who have recently returned from the war in Afghanistan are in custody at Ft. Carson in Colorado Springs. They’re also werewolves suffering from post traumatic stress, unable to control their shape-shifting, unable to interact with people. Kitty agrees to see them, curious and wanting to help. Meanwhile, Kitty gets sued for slander after featuring Speedy Mart—a chain of 24-hour convenience stores with a reputation for attracting the supernatural—on her show, and an old friend-and-adversary has just been released from jail.

*This review might contain spoilers!*

The Kitty Norville series was one of the first series I started reading after the Kate Daniels and Mercy Thompson series. I really liked all the previous books in the series so I was really excited about this one.

The book starts a while after the events of the last books, right in the middle of one of Kitty´s radio shows. The story picks up the pace very fast, as the events of one major plots start right then and there. The show is about Speedy Mart and Kitty is collecting evidence for suspicious supernatural activities there. The other plot involving the werewolf soldiers starts soon after.

The good thing about this book is that you get to see Kitty, Ben and Cormac finally together again. As a declared Cormac fan, I was very happy to see him more often in this book. But it´s not the Cormac we know, the one he was before going to jail. Something has changed him, and we have to wait right until the end of the book what exactly is responsible for his change. His return is definetly one of the best things about this book.
Kitty and Ben are once again great together. She still tries to prove that no one, not even totally out of control werewolves are beyond saving and redemption.
Kitty genuinly cares about the soldiers, even though they are not part of her pack.
Ben is as always the steady rock behind her. Regardless of his own opinion or even whether if it´s illegal ir not, he still supports her. Who wouldn´t want to have a boyfriend like that? This book is less focused on their romance which is however a postitive thing, at least for me. All of us who have read the previous books know that they love each other. The two plots in this book are enough as it is, so steamy romance and sex would kind of be out of place.
Still, there was something that was bugging me, I just felt like the events of the last book should have had a greater impact on Kitty. It was mentioned a few times how she felt she was paranoid, but after all the bloodshed and gore of the last book, it should have affected her more than that. But maybe that´s just me.
I really liked the idea behind the werewolf soldiers and the post-traumatic stress disorder and I would have liked to read more about it. It was a good opportunity to show Kitty´s caring nature and character, which makes her in my opinion such a great alpha for her pack.
The ending is kind of bittersweet: both cases are -so to speak- closed and we get to know what´s going on with Cormac. There is no happy end for the wsoldiers, at least not all of them, but I guess it´s better that way. I guess it just shows that there are things in life you can´t get over.
All in all, I had a really tough time writing this review. I liked the characters of this series and the story was good as well: it was fast paced, never dull and the message behind the army werewolf story is definetly important. But that´s just it: I guess I could have been even better. It´s a bit of a shame that I read some of the best books so far this year right before "Kitty Goes to War", because without them, I would have probably liked it even more. As it is, books like "Unholy Magic" are kind of the standart other books ahve to live up to and that´s pretty hard to say the least.

As it is, "Kitty Goes to War" is somewhere between 3.5 and 4 points for me, but considering how much I like this series and the characters, it´s 4 points.

Teaser Tuesday

This weekly book blog meme is hosted by MizB at Should be Reading.

Here are the rules:
- Grab your current read
- Open to a random page
- Share two (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
- BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (Make sure that what you share doesn't give too much away. You don’t want to ruin the book for others.)
- Share the title & author too, so that other Teaser Tuesday participants can add the book to their TBR lists if they like your teasers.

"You" - Jones looked from me to Kevin and back again - "are either very brave or very stupid."
"Both." Emma said drily.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Guest Post P. Q. Glisson

Today, I´m having the very first guest post on my blog. Another one of the bog firsts as blogger! I´m so excited about it, even more so because I´ve a very special someone over to do it: P.Q. Glisson, author of Her Sanctuary. She was kind enough to stop by and tell something about her and her work. To me it´s even more interesting as she is a self-published author. But now please welcome Phyllis Glisson!

Hi everyone! Thanks for stopping by today.
Well, I guess I'll start by telling you a little bit about myself. I was born and raised in and around the Savannah, Georgia area. I went to public school until my mom pulled me out and enrolled me at Savannah Christian Preparatory School for my tenth grade year where I stayed until graduating in 1977. I immediately tried to go to college but my heart wasn't in it. So, after a couple of semesters, I got my first job as a cashier at the local Piggly Wiggly. I worked twelve hour shifts for about 7 months. I could go through all my work experiences but I don't won't to bore you. Let's just say I was in the banking industry for about 17 yrs until I ended up working for a local construction company until the housing market softened in 2008 and I was laid off. That got me painting. I painted pictures which you can view at:
I did that for about a year and then one day my daughter and I were brainstorming on story ideas for one of her books (she's unpublished as of yet) and I suddenly came up with the idea behind Her Sanctuary. She was to work on it with me but due to some personal issues, I ended up writing it myself. It was divine inspiration. It had to be. I had never written anything before but a few short stories for school and a poem here and there. Suddenly the words were flying out of my head. It was hard to get it all down. I would stay up until the wee hours of the morning writing. When I would wake up the next day, I went right back to it. Eight months and 336 pages later, I had a novel. A NOVEL!! I couldn't believe it!

Now what? Well, I researched and researched publishing companies and decided I would self-publish using a self-publishing company. You know the ones; you do all the work, they get all the profits? Yep, that's the one. But I can't say anything negative about the company. They did exactly what their contract said they would do. Luckily, my contract is non-exclusive so I can take my book and publish it elsewhere, reformat it for Kindle, which I did, or give it away, which I have, several times. I believe that if I have to give away a PDF copy in order to get a review out of it by a blogger or a reviewer, then I'm willing to do that. Sure, I lose the initial sale, but if it's a good review, it could lead to future purchases.
Well, enough about that. I would love to hear some questions or comments from any of you out there.
Thanks Tine, for asking me to visit today. :)

Thank you for stopping by!

Now, if you are interested, go and check out her blog as well!
If you have any question or anything you want to say to Phyllis, go on and comment!

Musing Mondays

Musing Mondays is a weekly event hosted by MizB at Sould be Reading.

This week’s musing asks…

What does your bookshelf (or, what do your bookshelves) say about you to the people who come into your home?

Well, probably that I spend too much money on books. Over the last 1 1/2 years, I´ve bought roughly 245 books over at Amazon alone. That doesn´t include books I found in a book store, I got from the library, that were given to me (I practically tell everyone to give me books to Christmas/birthdays/other occasions) or books I won.

And while my TBR pile is admittedly very unorganized, the books I´ve read are all neatly shelved.
They are sorted by series, authors and publishers (I mentioned I´m a little OCD, right?). One time, I even tried sorting them by colors, but that was just wrong. And not very pretty. Anyways...

Maybe my self also shows my love for books. I hate it when people make dog-ears or stauns in their books, or when the spine is broken. I treat my books really carefully. There´s one incident my roommates remember very vividly: I sat in the kitchen reading "Silver Born" by Patricia Briggs and I was totally captivated by it. I didn´t really noticed what was going on around me. I just had a glass of cherry juice in my hand. Someone called my on my moblie and my sister tried to give it to me. I didn´t see her coming, was very startled when she appeared behind me and jerked uncontrolled. The lesson I leard from this episode: books + cherry juice= not a very good idea. It took days for the book to dry. I was very upset about it and my sister felt really bad. She even offered to buy a new copy for me (she´s so sweet), but I declined, as it was an accident after all.

Well after all the rambling a short conclusion: My selves are packed with books sorted and in great shape: I guess every other book-aholic knows what I´m talking about!

This Week on Reading on the Dark Side

So, a new weeks has started and it will again be full of books, authors, reviews and more. Later today, I will have P.Q. Glisson, author of Her Sanctuary over for a guest post! Check out her first book:

Shannon Mallory was a woman on the run….not from outside forces but from her own wounded heart. When she pulled up into the parking lot of The Last Resort Café, in the town of Sanctuary, little did she know she would find the one thing she never even knew she was searching for….true love.

Seth Proudfoot wasn’t looking for anything, except an end to his miserable existence. Accused of a crime he couldn’t remember committing, he was ostracized by a town that, ironically, bore the name of the one thing he could never find….Sanctuary.

When the two meet, neither can ignore the magnetic pull between them, but will Shannon allow her damaged spirit to trust a man…a man who may have murdered his own family?

Though Shannon is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen, it is her spirit that breaks down the iron-clad shield around his heart. Their desire burns hotter than the Arizona desert, threatening to melt the very mountains that loom like silent Gods above their heads. But can their love survive a betrayal that could very well cost them both their lives?

I will write reviews for the last books I read/ the book I´m currently reading.

Have you noticed by the way that I´ve almost 100 followers? This is so amazing, I´d have never thought I´d reach that number so fast. This kind of calls for a Thank-You-Giveaway, don´t you think? Let´s see what I come up with!

Have a great start in the new week!

100+ Followers Giveaway

Ok guys, did you notice? I so very close to 100 followers after such a short while!
To honor you guys, I´ve decided to have a little giveaway!
To enter, you must of course be a follower of this blog. It doesn´t matter though if you are an old follower or a new one! The giveaway is open
starting today and ending on August 21st.

For the prices, I´ve chosen the first book in two of my all time favorite series!
If I reach 111 followers, one winner can choose between either...


If I reach more than 150 followers, TWO winners will be chosen. The first one can decide between Magic Bites and Spider´s Bite, the second one gets the book which is left.

But beware! That´s not all! If I reach 175 or even 200 followers, the THREE winners will be drawn.
The first winner can chose ANY!!! book from book depository under 10$, even books that aren´t yet released.
The second winner gets either Magic Bites or Spider´s Bite, and the third winner the book that´s left!

So, to enter, please leave a comment and fill out this form!