Name your top 2-3 favorite genres (the ones you read most from).
Well, that´s simple. :)
First and most beloved genre: Urban Fantasy. Actually, I started reading Urban Fantasy roughly in 2008, so not that long ago. My very first books were Magic Bites and Halfway to the Grave (I know, this is more PNR, but wait for it!) Magic Bites kind of blew me away. At first, I had quite a hard time to get into it. I mean, I had read English books before that, but mostly your typical school assignment books, Shakespeare (yeah, well...), The Catcher in the Rye and stuff like that. But the detailed, fascinating and absorbing worldbuiling, the complex and awesome Characters just sucked me in so to speak. And when the wonderful Kate Daniels greeted a shapeshifting alpha male lion with the infamous "Here, kitty kitty." Ilona Andrews owned me. I hadf to keep on reading the next chapter, then the next book and then a new series and another one. From that point on, the story of my sad little addiction led me to where I am now: a compulsive book buyer who stalks (not really, but you get the picture) her favourite authors and bloggers and keeps on rambling about all the books she loves. If something like the Amazon Gold Club for the most frequent buyers existed, I´d be pretty sure a member.
My second most loved genre is hard to decide, I guess YA and PNR share the spot. The kind of book I read depends on which mood I am in. I mean, what is better against heartache than a hot PNR with a bad boy alpha male, steamy sex and the perfect Happily Ever After? Cheesy, I know but so what. My very first PNR book was, by the way, Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost, which led me right on to Dark Lover by J.R. Ward (In case it´s not obvious, I had a thing for vampires back in 2008. By coincident, I also re-watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer back then.)
Young adult is something I´ve read longer that Urban Fantasy, is and always and always will be very dear to my heart. I can´t even say when I started reading it or what my first book was, but as long as there are so many awesome books like "Hush, Hush" or "Torment" or "My Soul to Take/Save/Keep" (I could keep going on and on), I´ll definetly keep on reading YA, even though I really don´t qualify as that anymore at my ripe age. *sigh*
What about you guys? What are your favourite genres? What book started your addiction?
I´d love to hear from you!
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