Want to get to know new fellow bloggers? Want to have more followers on your blog?
Join the fun and make now book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:
1. Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host { Parajunkee.com } and any one else you want to follow on the list
2. Follow our Featured Bloggers - www.fangswandsandfairydust.com
3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing.
4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
5. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can
6. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers
7. If you want to show the link list, just follow the link below the entries and copy and paste it within your post!

Another Blogger Hop is hosted by Crazy for Books.

Happy Follow Friday!
Hi I am stopping by from the book blog hop-I like the design of your blog a lot
The Reading Life
Thakns so much!
Happy hopping day! :)
hi Christine!I'm visting from the Hops!Nice blog ;p
hi christine! thanks for stopping by our blog! now following you too. have a great weekend and happy reading :)
-michelle & leslie
Thank you so much to all of you for visiting!
I like your "dark" blog! Happy reading! http://leeswammes.wordpress.com
Hi! Here from the Friday Follow. Interesting books you chose for your Can't Wait For list.
Hi Christine!
Thank you for stopping by my blog!
I'm really enjoying yours. I'm now following you too.
It does seem like we have similar tastes, which is very exciting. I can't wait to read your reviews.
I'm off to check out your previous posts. I'll probably be around for a while!
Thanks again for saying hi, my blog is so new that I really haven't "met" a lot of people. It's been a pleasure "meeting" you!
I'll see you later, ok?
Barbara. aka VampAngel
Hi there *waves* Just hopping over via hop (both!) Lovely Blog you got here! I'm sure to visit some other time too!
Lisa (Badass Bookie)
Hi Christine!
We do have quite a few books in common, I look forward to chatting about them with you!
Hi! I'm stopping by via Follow Friday @ Parajunkie's. I'm liking your blog, and now have a new follower! Have a great weekend!
Hi there Chistine! Saying a hello from the hop, and hope you have a great day! Loving the look and feel of your blog, and I love all the urban fantasy and paranormal romance I'm seeing.
I love your blog!!! I am a big fan of the world of the paranormal!!! I a now a follower!!!
Feel free to stop by mine at Addicted To Romance
Happy Reading!
Hi. Found you through the Hop. Love your blog. :)
Here I am:
Found you via the Blogger Hop and wanted to stop by to say HELLO =) I'm a follower now!
Would love it if you would HOP our way too!
Have a great weekend!
Book ♥ Soulmates
Hi there...stopping by from parajunkees hop....Love your blog and am a new follow today...:D
stopping by from the hop and beautiful blog.
Hi, just hopping by to see what is new.
Visit my blog: http://www.primoreads.com/
for a chance to win "The Namesake" by Jhumpa Lahiri.
Happy Friday!
Hopping in :)
Have a nice weekend :)
thanks for stopping by and following :) your blog is really cool i LOVE it:) i'm your newest follower
Hey there, Christine! :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog, you have an awesome one yourself that I'm now following! We definitely share a taste in books ... I'm looking forward to reading your reviews (",). Happy Friday xx
Thanks so much for stopping by and following my blog :) I'm following yours now too!!
I'm a new follower who found you through the hop!
Thanks so much to all of you for stopping by and commenting!
Hi there, found you via Book blogs, loveing your black background.. I thought I was the only one who preferred the darker side of fiction!
I'll be following you. Feel free to check out my blog when you have a chance :)
Hi there, found you via Book blogs, loveing your black background.. I thought I was the only one who preferred the darker side of fiction!
I'll be following you. Feel free to check out my blog when you have a chance :)
Stopping by on the Hop. My Hop is here.
I hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend. :)
From the Shadows
I'm so glad I found your blog through the book blog hop. And I love your layout-it's super cool.
Stopping by on the hop. Look forward to being a book geek with you!
Hey there,stopping by on the Hop! I'm now a follower, have a good weekend and happy reading =D
Hello, Christine. I'm just hopping through via The Hop. Cool site you've got here. I'll have to come back.
Take care.
Love your header and blog - very nice!
Following now and thanks for stopping by blog.
Happy weekend!!!
Hi Christine,
I love your header and blog - really love the blog name!
Thanks for following my blog and I'm returning the favor!
Found you through the Blog Hop! (yay).
Wow! I am so late responding (crazy busy course load this week) but thanks so much for hopping by!
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