Monday, September 6, 2010

News and bits

Hello my dear readers!

Last week, I´ve been looking for other fellow bloggers who would like to talk a little about their favorite books written by male authors and three of you have been kind enough to agree and do a guest post!the_red_church_ebook_full_by_scott_nicholson

Fat Vampire First, Savannah from Books with Bite will be doing a review of Fat Vampire


Anita from Darkeva´s Blog will be talking about The Red Church.Her post will be on September 13th! 


 keith_melton-Blood_viceand finally Lily from Lilium´s Realm will be posting about Keith Melton´s Blood Vice.

I´ve told them that they can write and post what ever and however they want, so I´m so curious to see how this turns out!


Alex van Helsing Vamipre Rising


Today, I´ve already posted an interview with Jason Henderson, author of Alex Van Helsing: Vampire Rising. I´ll also be doing a review of Death Most Definite by Trent Jamieson tomorrow, along with one of my favorite weekly memes, Teaser Tuesday. On Wednesday, I´ll be giving a little insight in my pre-orders for this month. There´s also a new giveaway planned for this week because two are ending this week. Thursday is my When I´m not Reading day. On Friday however I might not be posting anything, as it is my birthday. But maybe I´m also going to make something special. Be sure check back! :)