A new year, but the same old complications… Usually I had planned to stay the complete last week with my parents, but I had to go to my new apartment unplanned. And no, I still don´t have internet there. On Monday, my courses at university continue after the break over Christmas and I´ll be back in Munich - without internet again.
But there´s good news as well: I´m supposed to be back online on January 14th. 6 more days!!!! I feel like an addict!!! I can´t read/answer mails, stalk my favorite blogs/authors or blog myself. On the other hand I´m gonna have even more time to read! So prepare yourself for tons of reviews. (Fortunately I also have tons of books to read!)
This whole offline experience has really got me thinking: what would I do without? How did I live without internet before?
No, seriously, let me tell you what I need internet for everyday:
During the last few weeks, ia had to check every day before I left my apartment whether the public transportation system is still up and running and if my connection is on time. While I´m at it, I also check the weather online for my city to decide what to wear for the day.
And because I have a few moments to spare, I check my two email addresses. And Facebook. And my blog.
When I´m at university, I´m usually cut off from the internet as well, but I know I´ll be online as soon as I´m home.
When I come home, I have to search for the song that´s stuck in my head since hearing it on the radio an listen to it on youtube. Then,
I check my email again, as well as my blog and facebook. And then goodreads. I see a new book somewhere, read reviews on it, search it on amazon, check my bank balance, decide I´m still good and buy it. Plus one or two more from my wishlist, because you know, one book alone is too afraid, or, as a German saying goes "you can´t stand on one foot” or three because that´s even better or four because I don´t like odd numbers and so on.
Then I write a review/blogpost. And check it for typing errors. And again. Then I stalk some more blogs and authors.
Sometimes a friend calls about a movie/to go out: I go online, try to find out if there are any good movies, reserve the tickes/use google maps to see the location of the new hotspot to see which kind of transportation I should use. We rethink and decide to grab dinner instead. I google to see which is the best italien restaurant in the neighborhood, search (online) for the number and reserve a table. My friend tells me that we need a present for another friend. I´ll brows amazon for something fitting. Then I head over to etsy on my quest for the right present.
Then I remember that the contract for my mobile phone is running out. If I keep it, I´ll get a new phone. Oh, shiny! Have to go online and see which phone is the best right now (and which is the best smartphone with email client).
Friend calls again, cancels for today because of illness/super hot date/anything else. No problem, I can keep myself busy. I call a friend via skype who happens to be online (while I´m secretly horrified how strange I look via webcam).
Roommate/sister comes in, complains about running nose/ sore throat/headache/whatever. Or drugstore is already closed, so we have to search for the emergency drugstore of course via google. While she´s at it, she pays her bills online and shops for new shoes. And jewelry. And checks out online clothing store. Then, she browses my bookshelf and takes three YA books without asking. I lecture her –again- about how to treat a book right, she rolls eyes.
After we´re finished I decide that we have to eat something. And put my laptop to sleep mode, because he (yes, it´s a boy) is quite hot, you know, overheated, not hot like that.
All fed, I go online to see if there´s anything on TV. Or Youtube. And I check my emails again. And Facebook. I´m having a hard time deciding between reading and watching something online (thank you ITunes and Ipod) and end up doing both at the same time.
Before I go to sleep, I check my blog/email/facebook/goodreads. And go one more time to amazon/book depository to track my recent order.
Okay, I guess besides being a book addict, I also have a serious internet addiction problem. Is it just me or are you more and more dependent on the internet? Maybe I can visit a friend who has internet. Or buy one of those fancy surf sticks for the next few days.
Or maybe I´m just doomed. I´ll let you know at the latest on January 14th.
Until then, I´ll miss you. And the internet.