Good morning on this cold October Friday (there was a thin coat of ice on the windshield of my car today which I really really didn´t want to remove! Thank god for public transportation!) Anyways, it´s Friday! It´s time to strat once again the Follow Friday Fun!
This weeks´ featured blooger:
Emily @ What Book is That?
I'm a special education teacher by trade and when I'm not doing that, I'm reading or talking about books! While I keep coming back to paranormal romance and urban fantasy titles, I'm pretty open to anything that sounds interesting. I'm also a Kindle convert and am in the process of converting my print library to entirely an ebook one (gasp!) I'll say it here, loud and proud, I thought I would miss the book smell but I don't. So there.
Anyway, What Book is That? was an idea born on a Sunday afternoon, an idea that came from my desire to have a place to keep track of the books I read and the ones I liked and didn't like. Shortly thereafter, I had a second idea that said that other people might like and not like the same books and may be interested in talking about them! A little over a year later, here I am!
What are you currently reading? Basically, what book is that?
I´m currently reading “The Iron Duke” and “and Falling, fly”.
Now for the Follow Fun!

To join the fun and make now book blogger friends, just follow these simple rules:
- Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host { } and any one else you want to follow on the list
- Follow our Featured Bloggers -
- Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing.
- Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
- Follow Follow Follow as many as you can
- If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers
- If you want to show the link list, just follow the link below the entries and copy and paste it within your post!
- If your new to the follow friday hop, comment and let me know, so I can stop by and check out your blog!
Happy Follow Friday!
I am a new follower on account of your gloomy amazing header!
Found via the FF.
I'm currently reading... Beautiful Darkness *grin*
Mad Scientist
Hey there, just stopping by to let you know that you are the winner of the Evernight series I am giving away on my blog!
Email me at cha33hart @ gmail . com so we can sort out the details and get them posted to you :)
Am I am also a new follower, can't believe I didn't stumble along to your blog sooner :)
Thanks for checking out my blog! I am following yours back.
Hello Christine!
Happy Friday!
Our reviews are always so much fun!
Congratulations for winning the contest also!
Have a nice weekend!
Happy Follow friday, thanks for dropping by both blogs - you're too kind :) I'm a new follower now.
Absolutely love the look of your blog. Purple!!! :)
Love the header...awesomeness...stopped by from the follow
New follower...
Thanks for stopping by my blog and following!
I've followed you back as well. I'm loving your lay out :D
I must confess that I'm already a follower of your blog and I love it! :D Also, oh my goodness, can't wait for Shadowfever by Karen Marie Moning to come out too! Seriously, I'll be sad that the series is over, but Karen has left us with such a cliffhanger that I really want to know what happens next! Thank you for stopping by my blog and following me!
Happy reading! <3
Dropping by from the FF. I have The Iron Duke on my Nook and I can hardly wait to read it!
New Follower!
Oh you are so sweet! I am hopping by you to show some love! thanx for the follow I am following back!!
Have a great weekend!!
MY Bloody Fairy Tale
Just hopping by to say hi!
Here's my blog hop post if you feel like stopping by!
I also have an interview with Devon Monk to win a signed copy of Magic at the Gate if you like that series. She's shipping international too! Here's the link for that if you want to check it out:
Hey Christine! Happy Friday. Have a great weekend :)
OMG!! You started The Iron Duke!!!! WOOT!
Looking forward to reading your review on it.
Hey thanks for visiting:) Am a new follower and looking forward to your posts!
New follower just hopping by. Happy Friday!
Happy Friday! I'm stopping by for Follow Friday and the Blog Hop to say hello. I hope you have a fantastically awesome weekend! :)
I'm a old follower.
Hi there! Stopping by for FF :) I'm a new follower and love your blog! If you have a sec, please check out mine and let me know what you think.
Just stopping by on the hop. I'm already a follower. Have a great weekend! :)
Carmel @ Rabid Reads
Hi Christine!
Thanks so much for stopping by and following!
I love your blog! :)
Hope you have a fantastic weekend, I look forward to reading your posts!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I see you are reading the Iron Duke. I've heard loads of great stuff about that one - I hope you are enjoying it :)
Happy Friday! Thanks for stopping by Fiction Folio :)
Hey Christine! Thank you so much for the add! I'm stopping by to return the love. You've got a really cool blog here. I'm a huge KMM and Patricia Briggs fan too. Can't wait for the new books. I'm a new follower now!
Ooh, The Iron Duke looks good! I've heard a bit about it, so I might just need to check it out. And funnily enough, I'm reading The Iron King! :P
I'm getting a kindle this weekend. I probably will never convert my entire library to eformat (I love holding actual books too much!) but it will be useful during my semester abroad.
Anyway, have a great weekend! I'm a new follower.
If you get a chance, check out my blog :)
Hey thanks so much for checking out my blog and following! Returning the love. I can't wait to check out your blog some more to get some reccs for me!
Happy Follow Friday :)
I'm a new follower!
Touch the Night
Hey Christine! Thanks for stopping by. I've heard And Falling, Fly is a good book. I can't wait to see you're review of it!
Have a great weekend!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm a Kindle owner too. I love being able to download samples on it. I've probably saved a lot of money that
I'm a new follower:-)
Thanks for stopping by and following my blog! I'm a new follower of yours too!
Have an awesome weekend!
Claire :)
Thanks for stopping by on my blog, returning the love (:
Have a great weekend!
Celine @
Nyx Book Reviews
Thanks for the follow! Your blog looks amazing, and I'm happily following you now.
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