Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Thank you!


Today, I´m so very honored to anounce that Chelsea from the Vampire Book Club, one of my most favorite blogs at the moment and one of the founders of my latest goodreads group the “Terrible Fever Support Group” (Terrible *swoon*) has goven to me the versatile blooger award. I knon it sounds cheesey, but I really can´t say how much this means to me. I mostly started blogging for myself and seeing that others like and appreciate my work and sometimes babböing really makes me feel honored, humbled and even a little proud.

So once again, Chlelsea, thanks so much and keep up the great work you do! <3

Versatile Blogger Award

Here’s the guidelines that come along with receiving The Versatile Blogger award:

  1. Thank and link back to the blogger who gave you the award. (This is just good manners.)
  2. Share seven things about yourself.
  3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers whom you have recently discovered and find fantastic.
  4. Give the aforementioned bloggers a heads up about the award.




So, first about the seven things:

1. I wear contacts. U have a really really bad eyesight. wothout glasses or contacts I´m pretty much blind. :(

2. I hate anything with coconuts. BAD experiences as a child.

3. Right now, I´m on a diet. A book diet. My TBR pile is simply too big, so the number of books I´m allowed to buy for September and the following months is strictly limited.

4. I watched LOST (and got a headache after all the time travelling)

5. I like to sort things by color. :)

6. I can´t live without my laptop, mobile phone and Ipod.

7. Right now, I´m wearing pink Hello Kitty socks. *ducks head in shame*


Now to the less embarassing business of chosing my 15 bloggers:

1. http://not-really-southernvampchick.blogspot.com/

2, http://www.maybe-tomorrow.net/

3. http://thatbookishgirl.blogspot.com/

4. http://visionquestfail.blogspot.com/

5. http://www.paranormalhaven.com/

6. http://inthehammockblog.blogspot.com/

7. http://darklyreading.blogspot.com/

8. http://www.blogwithbite.com/

9. http://jessica-agreatread.blogspot.com/

These are the first nine that come to my mind right now, but I´ll complete the list later on.


Savannah said...

Congrats on your awards!!!