Saturday, November 27, 2010

Guest Post and your chance to win a Kindle!

The Long Tail
Scott Nicholson

I had a dream where I was trying to find a job and realized, “Wait, I already have a job.”
The best thing for a writer these days is that every project is not a paycheck, it’s an evergreen annuity that provides income for the life of the copyright.
In the Old School, most writers turned the book in, got an advance check from the publisher, the book sold for a few months or, in the best of cases, a few years, and that was that. The advance determined everything about the book, from its treatment by the publisher to the number of copies ordered by stores to the perception among readers.
Almost without exception, bestsellers were made, not born. And some people get really angry if you point that out. They imbue publishing houses with a magical alchemy formula that somehow turns words into gold. But writers know that a lot of books wouldn’t be bestsellers unless they were published as bestsellers. In other words, if a publisher doesn’t pay an obscene amount of money for a book, it’s not going to get the stacks of books piled around the entrance of stores or the 40-percent-off stickers in Walmart.
That’s no accident. It’s a well-crafted system honed over centuries. The real surprise is when an ordinary book gets an audience. Because books aren’t cans of beans, and most readers want variety. That’s the only reason there are more than 100 books in a store.
Right now, it is not worth my time to write a book and hope a publisher wants it. A year to write a book, a year of shopping it, and a year waiting to get published. And that’s fighting upstream against a recession and a declining industry and closing bookstores.
Now, I will sign a paper deal if the terms are fair. This year I’ve discussed deals with several publishers and so far haven’t found one that makes sense—not just for the money, but for the time and loss of control. The reality is I can probably earn more on an e-book in one year than the publisher would pay me to not publish the book.
But the real difference comes on the back end, where the digital income stream not only continues but is likely to accelerate. Unless you are a bestseller, giving a publisher a long-term license is giving away the majority of the book’s income. You also lose the ability to fit the book in your overall brand, to change price, to package it with extra books, or sell it somewhere else.
The point of all this is not to slam publishers or convince all writers to self-publish. If you’re not a writer, you may not even care about all this. But it’s going to have long-term implications for you, despite how tightly you cling to your paper books and vow to never pick up an e-reader. Because this is going to affect you where it matters most and where you can’t escape: price and availability. You’re going to get all the cheap books you want. For a long time.
My daughter, reading this over my shoulder while impatiently waiting for the laptop, just asked me, “Don’t you ever tell anyone ‘Thanks for reading?’” Yes, I do. Thanks for reading.


Scott Nicholson is author of 12 novels, including the YA paranormal romance October Girls and the thrillers Disintegration, As I Die Lying, Speed Dating with the Dead, Drummer Boy, Forever Never Ends, The Skull Ring, Burial to Follow, and They Hunger. His revised novels for the U.K. Kindle are Creative Spirit, Troubled, and Solom. He’s also written four comic series, six screenplays, and more than 60 short stories. His story collections include Ashes, Curtains, The First, Murdermouth: Zombie Bits, and Flowers.

The Kindle Giveaway is part of Scott’s blog tour. Complete details at To be eligible for the Kindle DX or Kindle 3, simply post a comment below with contact info. Feel free to debate and discuss the topic, but you will only be entered once per blog. He’s also giving away a Kindle 3 through the tour newsletter and a Pandora’s Box of free e-books to a follower of “hauntedcomputer” on Twitter. Thanks for playing!


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Stefanie said...

It really doesn't matter if you are embracing ebooks or still clutching your paperbacks, things are going to change. The agency model is dated, and doesn't work anymore. You are absolutely right, Scott. I can't wait for more authors to figure this out and begin self-publishing.
Thanks for the post!

Jaidis said...

I can't wait to read some of Scott Nicholson's works!

brandy_jolene at yahoo dot com

VickyTinky said...

Great post!


Theresa said...

I am lovin reading all of Scott's posts. :)

the_happy_soul @

Anonymous said...

Scott's writing is wicked! Please enter me gwendolyn_gwen@hotmail .com

byonge said...

It looks like readers will turn any well-written book into a best seller if it is marketed correctly. We readers of ebooks have learned there are other books out there that are not current best sellers, but could be. Perhaps indie authors need some kind of co-op that uses some of the techniques of the big publishers.

Inanna said...

A co-op is a great idea!

inannajourney at gmail dot com

Paul McMurray said...

Scott, keep writing and we'll keep reading.
Count me in for the Kindle, please!

Bev said...

Scott, you're welcome!

Write2Bev AT

Barbarawr said...

Oh sure - now that the library is closed for DAYS in a row, I get an email that a few of Scott's books are ready for me to pick up!

Email address is in blogger profile

Brenda Wallace said...

Everything you are saying here makes perfect sense to me. And I think it must have been a terrible thing for an author to watch a traditionally published book go out of print. And, you're welcome! Thank you for writing them! varbonoff 22 at cox dot net

sohamolina said...

This is very interesting information. As a non-write, I always wondered about how a book akes it to the best seelrs list and others, equally or more deserving, don't.

Charlotte said...

This sounds like a great book, thank you for the giveaway!
iloveegypt602 at yahoo dot com

Douglas Dorow said...

Read Drummer Boy on a kindle and hope to publish my own thriller for kindle readers soon.

An exciting time for writers and readers.

Harper said...

Informative post. I've started writing again and I may need to know this kind of stuff - how different kinds of publishing works - if I ever, you know ... finish anything.

Monster A Go-Go said...

Where is everyone? I thought I was rather late to today's party (less than 20 minutes remain of today--eek!), but so far there are only 15 of you here? That's it? Jinkies---the recession might really be slowly fading if everyone is after Christmas shopping instead of picking, sending Scott some blog love! (Where shall I send my Christmas wish list those of you that ARE shopping!? Hint! Hint!)

The publishing industry sounds down right SCANDALOUS...but then, perhaps it's just the terms you used? "The back end," slam" ...and I won't even talk about the condition of your sheets when you woke up from your dream! Oh my STARS!!! (Let's just say that the new-fangled kindle readers won't suffer from pages being stuck together... Yikes!)

I'm exhausted. I am late today because I just finished my first test in biomedical statistics. Whoo hoo! Only 3 hellish weeks left to go. But--I couldn't miss Scott's blog here I am.


Sharon S. said...

LOL! and thanks for writing and going through all this trouble.

Bethany C. said...

Great (if not frustrating) insight into the industry! I really admire 'real' writers because they unilaterally have such great tenacity and optimism.


Anonymous said...

Great post, and thank you for the giveaway!

Em said...

You're welcome :)
emily_erickson at yahoo dot com

Cathy M said...

Great scoop, Scott. As a non-writer, a fascinating peek at the publishing world.

caity_mack at yahoo dot com

~J said...

Love It!

Joe F.

Anonymous said...

I just realized that I never received Scott's daily email for Sat or Sun! Not wanted to miss out, I linked through the tour on his website.

I think the indie author and ebook trend is great for readers - more variety and more affordable so I get to read even more books. My husband is also happy that books aren't continuing to pile up around the house.


Unknown said...

Tell your daughter thank you for thanking us. Her dad is good people, however odd.

Tell me does she have a bunch of voices in her head too?


Anonymous said...

Add me please


chey said...

Interesting post!
chey127 at hotmail dot com

jpearson said...

I personally have loved this bog tour and your unique way of thinking out of the box!!

Anonymous said...

Another great stop!

Nadine stacypilot at yahoo dot com

As I Lay Bleeding said...

You have to be tapped out sooner or later!!

nedsped at verizon dot net

char10 said...

I enjoyed your post. My uncle refuses to use an ereader,but I like being able to carry around a whole library in my handbag.I just hope more of the older books are released for ereaders.

char10ster at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

First, I like to say what a sweet and polite daughter you have! Secondly, great post. The publishing business most definitely affects readers and writers alike.
Thanks for reading.

authorjcphelps at

Anonymous said...

hufflepuffgrl13 at yahoo dot com


i many have to read this one.

Dee Martin said...

I have enjoyed this entire blog tour and it has renewed my own excitement about writing and the possibility of being able to self-publish and do it WELL thanks to folks like you and Konrath paving the way and showing us how. Thanks!!

Cici said...

Oh wow! I guess I could go on a long time about my opinion of agents, publishers and so forth. I applaud you for taking it upon yourself to self-publish. I love the smell, feel, pages, etc of books, but certainly know that e-readers are the next step. I am actually surprised that it has taken us this long to actually get them out and to consumers at a fair price (and who can beat free). I have thoroughly enjoyed 'meeting' you and following your tour. I look forward to hearing much more from you!

So nice that your daughter is considerate enough to ask YOU if you thank your readers. You must be setting quite an example and raising her well.

Beth said...

That's an eye-catching cover!

wordygirl at earthlink dot net

misskallie2000 said...

Hi Scott,
Sounds like you have a very smart daughter.
I never really checked out all the ways to publish a book so this was very enlightening. Thanks for the info but I doubt I will ever write a book. Always wanted to but my life stays in to much of a mess and stress will kill you. lol
I am still following you..

misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com

Bibliophile said...

Marketing is important, but the publisher model isn't the only way to go, as you well know. The way you have written about your experiences of publishers, it seems your own marketing campaign is getting you more sales than going through a publisher would.

Asylumgirl said...

Interesting insight into the publishing industry and where you stand within it. I think blog hops are a great way for authors to share their books with readers. It's as close as many of us will ever get to our favorite authors.

deidre_durance at hotmail dot com

Riva said...

Finding an indie author you love is like finding that perfect little "hole in the wall" restaurant. You can't wait to share with friends!

dulcibelle [at] earthlink [dot] net

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read some of Scott's books. Thanks for the giveaway. Please enter me in contest.

Bookhound78 said...

Good post, Scott. The publishing industry is truly a unique creature.


Deanna said...

I would LOVE a Kindle DX. Thanks for the opportunity to win one! :)

P.S. Click on my name for my contact info. ;)

jessica said...

I like how you included your daughter in on this post. And it's hard for everyone to get (and keep) a job. Maybe I should look into writing a book and self publishing too. . .

jessangil at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Enter me please!

ashleysbookshelf at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

trying to comment!
hancoci_s at msn dot com

Sirhijinx said...

Reading Drummer Boy right now and loving it!!

Keep up the good work Scott!!

Hank Brown said...

I vow to never pick up an e-reader until I win yours, or get one for Christmas, or break down and buy one after Christmas.

Another interesting post. Now that I've finally overcome my tradpub-seeking snobbery, I kick myself for playing that game for so long. I have no desire to go back to that exercise in frustration.

Twitter: MachineTrooper

Margay Leah Justice said...

Once again, Scott, you have given us great insight into the world of publishing. Very interesting stuff.


Nina B. said...

Hi I am a new follower of this blog. Drummer Boy looks interesting.

Thanks or the giveaway, I would love to enter. Here's my email:

slehan said...

Thanks for another chance at the Kindle.
slehan at juno dot com

Unknown said...

I can see the finish line Scott. Congrats on a successful Blog Book Tour. You have become an inspiration to many.


Jesse said...

I'm glad I've picked up an e-reader a year ago. I've been enjoying coming across books by authors I've never heard of, with the majority of them being indies. I'm still waiting for the prices on books by the major publishers to come down. GRRR!

conrad.jd (at) gmail (dot) com

Teawench said...

Yup, it's interesting stuff. I love hearing about the 'behind the scenes' stuff.
teawench at gmail dot com

Candace said...

Your welcome! Thanks for writing!
candace_redinger at yahoo dot com

hendy said...

And I always thought bestsellers happened because the book was great and so many people just had to read it due to word of mouth. I've learned so much during this blog tour.
hmhenderson AT yahoo DOT com

Author Scott Nicholson said...

Welcome to the tour, Nina,Brandy, and Deidre!

@Jesse prices will come down but it will take a couple of years (among big publishers)

@Hank, come on, a few hundred rejection slips wouldn't hurt...

@Cici, Bethany the more I learn the more I respect the different roles in the publishing industry, but ultimately each person has to take full responsibility for happiness

gautami tripathy said...

I have to check out Scott Nicholson's novels!

Count me in for the Kindle!


Andrea I said...

I've hung on to paper books, but will probably get an e reader next year.

Miss Delirious said...


gem dot wood at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Count me in for the Kindle!

Anonymous said...

I have never understood why publishers should have the rights to an author's work and control over what is done with it. An author should not have to give up what he or she has created just to see it "in print."
It sounds like self publication may be the only way to accomplish that unless you are in the ranks of J. K. Rowling, James Patterson, or Nora Roberts.

librarypat AT comcast DOT net

bluefrog said...

trying to make sure I made all the tour stops

Stacey Smith said...

Hope you have a Great holiday Season.

Pink Panther said...

Thanks for the lovely post! You can reach me at

Cathy W said...

Thanks, this has been a blast!
cjwallace43 at gmail dot com

natalie23 said...

I love that we have e-books now, it really makes me feel like we are in the future.

Sally Jo said...

Uno mas!

sallyjo AT

Sara said...

I want an ereader for Christmas but that doesn't mean I'm going to give up my "real" books. The covers, the artwork, the weight and feel of them, not to mention the satisfaction of turning pages. There is nothing like the feel of a real book in my hands. I embrace the new technology but hope that it doesn't make paper books obsolete. But...I still really, really want a Kindle! ;)

Scooter said...

While I hope that I we never see the day where "paper" books are extinct, I understand the need for change. I see now why you are reluctant to hand over "your baby" to just anyone. Keep up the good fight!

Scott, too!

Tina12312 said...

I will continue to read your books Scott in paperback and when I eventually get an e-reader, try them that way as well.

Your daughter sounds like a cutie!

Horror Books said...

The next few years should prove to be very interesting in the publishing world. But as long as you keep writing, I'll keep buying. In e-books. Cause I'm really loving them. A lot.

Thank you for writing.

Thanks also for the contest,
Gregory "The Undead Rat" Fisher

thundeadrat (@) gmail (.) com

heatwave16 said...

I'm very interested to see what will happen with newspapers and magazines too. I think they will be gone before books.


Michelle Stockard Miller said...

I'm a writer (unpublished) and I'm not sure what route I will take when it comes to thinking about a publisher, but your advice and insight throughout this blog tour has been very helpful.


Author Scott Nicholson said...

76 entries here thanks, drawing on Dec 8. Thank you for hosting, Christine!

What's interesting is that you'd think tradition would hold longer with books, but the evolution seems to be happening even faster than it did with film and music.


A.P. Fuchs said...

What’s strange about your post is the truth in it is more accepted nowadays than it was even a couple years ago.

Not to be self-focused, but back in the day when I made my case for self-publishing, mentioning the points you made here, it brought so many sneers and jeers that--at the time--it almost made me want to quit. But, pressing on, I’ve proven that self-publishing can be a very solid way to go, even for someone who writes fiction.

Like I’ve mentioned elsewhere on this tour, I really do believe the “acceptance” of stating things that you have really is the “shoe on the other foot” syndrome that’s sweeping writers’ careers like a swarm of angry bees.

Coscomentertainment [at] gmail [dot] com

POSSESSION OF THE DEAD and ZOMBIE FIGHT NIGHT (and others) at the Amazon Kindle store. Grab your copies here!

Author Scott Nicholson said...

78 comments here, good luck everyone and thanks for your support!


Armand said...

Exactly right... I've sold more copies to date of my self-published stories (and gotten more oney from them) than anything I've had a publisher put out... and it cuts out the middle man sometimes with fans as well...

Armand Rosamilia

Mason said...

Great scoop, Scott. As a non-writer, a fascinating peek at the publishing world. caity_mack at yahoo dot com

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