Thursday, July 15, 2010

When I´m not reading...

When I'm not reading is a Thursday meme started by Missie, at The Unread Reader! This is a new way to find out about the bloggers behind the blogs and what they do when they're *gasp*... NOT reading!

To participate, grab the button, and find out more information about this fantastic meme, you can visit The Unread Reader HERE!

...right now, I´m sweating. Or both. Normally, the summers in Germany are nice, not too hot, not too rainy, just the right thing. This year however, it´s completly different. During the whole July and the last week of June, the temperature is around 96 degrees during the day and 77 at night. They say it might be the hottest July since 110 years. *puuuhhh*
Unfortunatly, my skin is rather pale and I easily get a sunburn, so going to a lake to relax is completly out of question. Throw me in the direct sun at noon for half an hour and I do a pretty good vampire impression (you know, when they start burning and smoking and eventually turn into dust? Yeah, that´s me at 1 p.m.)
Plus, I´m living in the top floor of my building, so my apartment is really really hot. At one point last week, the temperature in the kitchen was around 105 degrees. Talk about baking.
If it´s not hot, there are these crazy storms. There was even a small tornado near a island in the North Sea. Ever heard of tornados in the North Sea? No? Well, that´s because there aren´t supposed to be some. Hello Global Warming!

I really wish I could hide the whole day from the heat in a dark, cool room, but unfortunalty, I also have to study for my exams, as the end if the semester draws near...
So, if you don´t hear from me in a few days, I might have melted/spontaneously combusted in flames/died of the heat or some such thing! :)


  1. I love your blog, which is why I have presented you with an award. Claim your award Here

    Keep up the great work!

  2. This was very funny. It had me smiling and giggling while reading it. I don't like the heat either, it was 106 here last Tuesday.

  3. Fun visiting! The weather is pretty hot here too. Fluxing to 80 to 100 during the day, but it gets down to 50-60 at night. I open up all the windows in the house at night, really cheap air conidtioning!!

    Have a great week.

  4. OMG Christine!

    Maybe you are a vampire! *giggles* Stay out of the sun!

    And if you think it is hot where you live, try South Texas! We can cook all our food on the cement, all year round. It is HOT!

    Thanks for participating again! It is so cool to learn something new about people all over the world!

    The Unread Reader

  5. Here´s to all fellow eaders in this hot and sweaty days!

    I guess I´m not yet a vampire, but I guess I really have potential! :)

    *back to sweating and fanning*

  6. I'm already a happy Follower.

    Just stopping by to say hello and to support :)



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